Strength Training + Yoga:
Yogis Who Lift

Learn all the essential skills and techniques to elevate your strength, improve your flexibility and transform your yoga practice.

What you'll learn:

• What lifting exercises are ESSENTIAL for yogis to practice for injury prevention as well as physical progress

• Understand how to choose specific strength training exercises which TRANSFORM - not tarnish - your flexibility

• How to EFFICIENTLY combine strength training with your yoga practice schedule

• Understand strength training foundational concepts to have total confidence when lifting

• What exercises will BENEFIT your yoga goals

• What exercises will 'fill the gap' of what yoga isn't giving you

• How to challenge your strength with minimal equipment

• How to know what weights to choose

• How to decide how many reps or sets to complete

• And much more!

What's included with this Workshop:

  • The 'Yogis Who Lift' Workshop Video

- to learn all the essential skills and techniques to elevate your strength, improve your flexibility and transform your yoga practice.

  • The Yogis Who Lift Training Guide

- A PDF training guide to show you how to balance strength training + yoga in your schedule, provide you 3 strength building workouts with instructions on correct form, and which stretches to follow up your workouts with. Find the button to download this just below!

  • Three Mobility Warms Ups

- Follow along videos that work on your mobility to warm up for your strength training sessions. You'll find these at the bottom of this page!

Download your Training Guide and Cheat Sheet here ⬇️

Warm Ups & Cool Downs

Below are the mobility warm up videos for you to follow along to before taking the strength training sessions provided in the PDF training guide as well as some effective Post Workout Stretch options!

Caught the strength training bug?!

Why not try LIFT 2.0: a 12-week training programme combining yoga and strength training.

The programming is specifically designed for training at home with minimal equipment - with options given for those with access to a gym!

Check out LIFT 2.0