Master The Middle Splits Challenge
Master The Middle Splits Challenge

Master The Middle Splits Challenge

A step-by-step program to help you go from complete beginner to “middle splits master” in the next 28 days! (Amaze your friends and family!) 

Start The Challenge Here!

By learning this impressive pose you'll build strong & mobile hips, healthy alignment, and improved posture.

Here’s what you’ll find in this challenge:

  • A step-by-step program to help you perform your first middle splits as a complete beginner — giving you the confidence and motivation you need to progress further in your flexibility journey!

  • 11+ easy-to-follow classes to help you quickly build the physical attributes and confidence you need to perform this impressive pose and many more!

  • A deep understanding of the techniques, knowledge, and exercises that you will need to nail this pose with ease. (Also, we will break down the common myths that are holding you back from hitting your middle splits goals!)

  • A simple yet effective method to identify personal hurdles that are ruining your progress. (So you can overcome them and make the splits progress you’ve been dreaming of!)

Here's what's included...

The Middle Splits Masterclass

  • This easy-to-follow video is the key to unlocking your perfect middle splits. You will make fast progress toward your goals by learning the anatomy, and practicing all of the stretches, techniques, and exercises needed to perform perfect middle splits.

10 Middle Splits “Flow” Classes

  • In these follow-along videos, you will become a middle splits master by practicing all of the stretches, techniques, and exercises needed to perform the perfect middle splits. (Designed to guide you from complete beginner to middle splits pro in the simplest way possible!)

The “Master the Middle Splits” Challenge Guide & Training Log

  • This easy-to-use challenge guide helps you stay consistent, monitor your progress, and explains how to get the most out of this challenge! (Also includes a “sensible stretching” guide so you can make fast progress while staying injury-free!)

Private Community Access

  • The journey is more fun with friends! Get bonus access to our private community where you can get feedback from me, find support and encouragement, and meet new people who are on the same path as you!

Who is this for?

This is NOT for:

  • Those who can already perform advanced splits. (This is a beginner course.)

  • Those who aren’t ready to put in the necessary time and effort to learn this technique.

  • Those who are looking for a yoga program that is focused on spiritual and philosophical teachings. (This is strictly a practical guide.)

This IS for you if:

  • You always wanted to perform the middle splits or side splits, but never had a step-by-step program to understand how to get you there.

  • You’ve never tried the splits before but want to learn a new pose to impress your friends and family!

  • You’re a beginner looking for expert guidance in order to save countless hours of struggling trying to figure out the splits on your own.

There are no skill prerequisites for this program, it is 100% beginner-friendly!